This video shows Alaina being super independent! The other day I was busy doing household things when all of a sudden I couldn't find Alaina. She had made it half way down the stairs all by herself and was trying to climb back up them! (Climbing is harder to do) I was so impressed by her bravery and that she knew to turn around and go down feet first. So, ever since then we have been making her do it all by herself! She is improving with each day! Just on Saturday Jeremy was downstairs and then all of a sudden he said there was Alaina :)
Also, another accomplishment was yesterday Addie was playing with the little people barn, (a favorite in our house) on the ottoman. Alaina really wanted to play with it so she had figured out how to pull up to standing and was playing with it:) We could not believe it!!!
On another note, a week ago I had to take her to the hospital to get some lab work done for her upcoming surgery. I got a phone call today telling me that her EKG came back abnormal. They said not to worry that they were just doing a follow-up for precaution, but as a mother how can I not worry? It is scheduled with a heart specialist on Wed, the 24th. So please keep her and us in your prayers! I will keep you posted!
Edited to say: Sorry that the video is dark and sideways :) I will try to get a better video so you can see more and so you don't get a kink in your neck! :)